Saturday, June 18, 2011

An Old Poem for Tomorrow

Another poem
Another damn song
Isn't that what love is
That I write
Poem after Poem
Fumbling for words
To express the pull in my heart
They all say I love you

I heard an old love song yesterday
And it is still in my head
Every time I hear it
I think of you
And fields in the fall
And you in your work coat
With frost coming
Harvest just done

I see the old man singing (the old love song)
Dancing in the field near sundown
It overlaps my memory and
I nearly see him dancing
Around us
Working in the field

An old Italian ballad
Maybe I don't understand the words
But I know what love is

We lived in an old world
Carefully wrapped inside a new one
Maybe that's why
An old song
Makes me think of you

Of course everything
Makes me think of you these days

This time it's the Fall

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